When last we left off, I was exploring the castle and had finally found Mesron. He informed me that I was still missing an important item, and once found, would help me further. I felt that I had exhausted all of the castle’s secrets so it seemed it was now time to raid the treasury. I can see why Richard Garriott felt it a moral responsibility to change his game’s focus by Ultima IV. When you begin to unlock chests and take gold from the castle in Questron the guards are alerted and begin to attack you. It felt “wrong” to me to slay all the guards and then seek an audience with the king. I actually tried to do so and he informed me; “You come into my castle, rob me, and attack my guards then expect me to help you? Perhaps if you return in a more peaceful manner…” I can’t say I blame the man.
Besides gold, the chests can also contain keys. There are four different kinds of keys, a ruby key, an emerald key, a silver key, and a lead key. These keys open various doors throughout the castle. It is the gold key that you need to gain an audience with the king and the gold key was the hardest to find.
There are two unique places in the castle where you are able to increase your stats and become more powerful. One of the keys opens a room where resides a doctor. He claims he can make you more powerful if you give him 10 vials of holy water. I thus went out, using the gold I pilfered from the treasury, and bought as many vials of holy water as I could afford. I returned and gave the doctor the 10 vials he requested. He promptly increased my strength from 20 to 40!

The gold key, besides granting you entrance into the king’s audience chamber, opens a room which contains a princess. She informs you that for 2000 gold she will increase your charisma. I thus left, pilfered more gold from the castle, killed more guards, and returned with her 2000 gold. She promptly raised my charisma from 15 to 35.

When I tried to communicate with the king the first time and he refused my request; I explored his audience chamber thoroughly. There was a back room behind his throne that contained one treasure chest. Inside the chest was a trumpet. I discovered that this was a magic item and would prove invaluable later. It is imperative that you obtain this item.
It was time to leave the castle and return peacefully. When I did so I made it a point not to fight any of the guards and was able to seek an audience with the king. He increased my dexterity, declared me the strongest warrior in Questron, and knighted me. I sheepishly apologized for slaying 60 of his guards.
I then sought out Mesron again within the castle. He congratulated me on finding the trumpet, increased my hit point total and my stamina and then informed me that I must seek out the Land of Evil. To find this foul land, I need to make my way through the mists of the north to find the Hidden Port. Once I find the Land of Evil, I need to confront Mantor in his evil lair and destroy him before he can complete his evil plans of conquest.
Up to this point the game has been very stingy with plot details. I wandered all about the continent and found nothing but towns, cathedrals, and a castle. There were no dungeons or ruins to explore of any kind. One you gain a particular amount of experience or once a certain amount of time has passed, when you return to Geraldtown, which was your starting point, you discover it has been burned to the ground and you are told to seek out Mesron.
Now that I’ve been tasked with finding the Land of Evil and slaying Mantor; we finally discover our purpose or the true plot and I found myself becoming more immersed and enjoying the game even more.

The trumpet that you found is invaluable in helping you find the Hidden Port. When you blow on the trumpet, it magically transforms land that impedes your progress into marsh that allows continued progress. It was through the constant blowing of the trumpet that I was allowed to find and make my way to the Hidden Port. Once there, I absconded a raft and then made my way to the Land of Evil. All I did was sail north through a few screens of ocean until I finally landed.
Once I landed, I explored my new surroundings and discovered that random encounters in the wilderness are much more frequent and much deadlier. I discovered a town called Snake’s Landing. There was a new type of vendor in this town selling various magic spells and hit points. Hit points are now sold much like food in the game. I purchased more food and many more hit points being that this Land of Evil is so dangerous to traverse. I also purchased a Fire Ball spell to try it out. It appears that purchasing the spell doesn’t mean that you now know it and can cast it repeatedly. Instead, spells in the game seem to be like arrows. Once used they are depleted and if you want to cast one of them again you have to purchase more. I will be experimenting further with this spell system.
My further exploration of the surrounding land led to the discovery of a dungeon! The first dungeon I’ve found in the game. It was aptly named the Dungeon of Death. However, an imposing iron door refused any entry. Well, that’s disappointing. I set out once again and found yet another dungeon entitled Mountain Catacombs and I was allowed access.
It is within the Mountain Catacombs where I’ll take my leave from you once again. I’ve saved my game at this spot and when I return to it, I will be exploring the dungeons in Questron for the first time. I am enjoying the game thus far and had I purchased this game off the shelf when it came out, I would not have been disappointed.
I take the time to consume my meager rations of hard tack and water. Holding my torch aloft, I squint down the dark tunnel which beckons like a yawning mouth.
Until next time…