A few blog posts ago I was lamenting about the fact that there were not many grid-based dungeon crawlers that were released in 1984. Then Shadowkeep came along and basically said; “Hold my beer.”
I still can’t get over how ambitious this game is. The going is slow, but I am appreciating the experience so far. Now that I have dungeon levels 4, 5, and 6 mapped out the plot and quest are starting to present themselves better.

When you leave the inn and enter the keep, each of the dungeon levels can be accessed from the stairway. Levels 1 – 4 can be easily accessed but each successive dungeon level requires a password in order to access. The password for each dungeon level can be found as clues on the different levels. When you encounter a Rune of Death hanging up on the wall, you can cast Perceive or use the Eldritch Staff to receive a clue. For example, the clue on the 4th dungeon level was; “PASS uttered with determination allows passage into the sixth door of death. “
Another clue that I discovered on the 4th level was: “A helping hand can be found in the strangest places.” This must have been referring to a desk that I found on the 4th level. Searching the desk revealed Gloves of Cold.

The fifth level was more enjoyable to map out and seemed to be less maze-like than the previous levels. On this level there was a throne room, I discovered a tiny sword, a silver rose, and a silver helm. The helm was behind a hidden panel and seems very important.

There were two clues that I also discovered on this level. The first clue read: “with the word FRIEND pass beyond the 7th door if you dare.” In the throne room I had one of my characters sit on the throne and I was suddenly thrown to the floor and writhing in pain. The second clue reads; “The wizards helm allows the wearer to accomplish much that no mortal could.” It just now registered with me that I should have one of my wizards don the silver helm and then sit upon the throne to see what happens. I am currently exploring the 7th dungeon level so this is still easily done.

The sixth dungeon level was much more difficult to map out than the previous level. I again found a Rune of Death and received another password to access a new dungeon level. On this level I encountered a huge vault, and I could not open the door no matter what I tried. In a room nearby the entire floor resembled a chessboard with a giant Rook standing by itself. When I slid the Rook across the floor, I heard a massive THUNK in the distance. When I returned to the vault it was open!

The vault contained silver armor, a Gem of Change, and a Book of Notes. When I read the Book of Notes, I discovered the following useful information:

So, it would appear that this is a game where I need to find several items in order to complete my quest. I already have the silver helm which is mentioned above, it looks like I need to find the Book of Darkness and the Staff of Rogarth still and then search for a crystal pillar. I still am not quite sure how many levels make up the dungeon.
I am currently exploring and mapping out level 7 and the battles are much harder and far more deadly. I am hoping that my next post is one which details my final victory.
Until next time…