Cool World exists as an alternate dimension to this world where cartoon doodles are alive. An object called the Golden Spike of Power keeps both dimensions balanced in harmony. It was placed on top of the Ocean Hotel in Las Vegas for safekeeping. However a doodle named Holli Would want the power of the Golden Spike so she can become a real human, but in doing so may cause both worlds to come to ruin. She also ripped up a map into five pieces which shown how the tunnels connected between this world and Cool World. So now it’s up to Detective Frank Harris to track down the map pieces and put a stop to Holli’s plans.
Detective Frank Harris can jump, crouch, and use weapons to dispatch Holli’s henchmen. Weapons include a pen, eraser, and bombs. Other items include bottles (used in conjunction with the pen), hearts which give Frank an extra life, food items which give Frank energy, and special area specific weapons. The game is broken into four different areas (Main Street – Cool World, The Highway, Main Street – Sweet Place, and Countryside near Sweet Place), with each area containing a piece of the map plus a fifth area which takes place at the hotel where Frank has to defend the Golden Spike from being stolen.
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