The tenth installment of Might and Magic series, Legacy is a tribute to its older episodes (from 1 to 5), and is particularly similar to World of Xeen games. While Legacy is set in the world of Ashan, which is the same we’ve seen in Might and Magic: Heroes VI, the action takes place in an unexplored area: the Agyn Peninsula, a few years after the events depicted in Might and Magic: Heroes VI. The Colony of Agyn, once a proud member of the Holy Falcon Empire, is now considering secession. You play a group of four adventurers starting in the city of Sorpigal. The adventurers are there to fulfill the last will of their defunct mentor: bring back his ashes to the temple of his birth city.
In the tradition of the older episodes Legacy features grid-based movement and turn-based combat. The graphics however are more modern, and many elements from the late episodes such as the skill system are present. The characters can be user-defined (you can choose from four races, three classes per race), randomly generated, or you can use the default predefined group.
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