
Set in a world where realms of dark and light co-exist on top of each other, Queen Luscia of Haskillia is troubled by invasions of the Aklorians. Four heroes with unique abilities: the swordsman Tal, sorceress Ailish, the shape-shifting huntress Buki and the powerful Elco, combine their forces to aid the queen while they make their way through the struggle between dark and light.

You control the four characters as a team in a full 3D world with a third person view. Sudeki innovates through the use of realtime fighting scenes with combos, ranged attacks, evasion, the use of shields and Matrix-style effects including bullet-time. The characters are able to combine their forces to produce super-strike attacks. As usual, you can gain skills, spells and weapons to upgrade and add to as you go along and the plot is full of surprising interventions, betrayal and dangerous foes.

Cover Art:

Year: 2004

Themes: Action RPG

Genere: Role-Playing (RPG)

Platform: Windows, Xbox

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