The Blackwell Epiphany is the final installment of the Blackwell storyline and continues about a year after the happenings of The Blackwell Deception. In the meantime, Rosa Blackwell and her spirit guide Joey started to work for the police as consultants. Their main job is still to guide lost spooks, ghosts which are unaware that they died, to their salvation, but after the first investigation in an abandoned building they witness a murder. The spook of the shot man is just ripped apart and the main drive of the plot is finding out, and eventually stopping, the reasons behind it.
While there are some traditional inventory puzzles (collecting items in the scenes and using them with other items), the majority of the game is spent with detective work: talking to people, following leads and hunting for keys or passwords. The most important research tool is Rosa’s phone which allows to search the internet for keywords and view notes (sometimes they have to be combined to form conclusions). In most situations, the player can freely switch between Rosa and Joey: While Rosa can interact with physical items and living people, Joey can access places which are closed to Rosa. Joey’s only way for direct interaction with the world is using his breath to create a light wind. New to the interface is a button which allows to directly call the other protagonist to the current screen.
There is an optional in-game commentary by Dave Gilbert, Ben Chandler and bloopers from the voice recording.
Cover Art: